I have been fasinated with bags. I mean on how to make one myself, not those designer bags that can be bought over the counter. I hardly buy bags, most of the times are from friends.
I borrowed and bought books on how to make one myself. Never had the courage till Sylvia gave me an order. ;) It took me a few weeks, deciding on the fabrics and type. Oh gosh, there are no instructions available out there. Again, I procrastinated a few more days and finally decided on the design. It was tough without instructions. But at the same time, fun and exciting.
I wanted to use batting at first. But then, I realised it made the bag too thick and unappealing. I exchanged with a thicker material for the lining. I bought the pink handle at Daiso, cloth at Spotlight. I also added a stripe ribbon on top.
There is different owl on each side.
So which side do you like? I prefer this side.
I borrowed and bought books on how to make one myself. Never had the courage till Sylvia gave me an order. ;) It took me a few weeks, deciding on the fabrics and type. Oh gosh, there are no instructions available out there. Again, I procrastinated a few more days and finally decided on the design. It was tough without instructions. But at the same time, fun and exciting.
I wanted to use batting at first. But then, I realised it made the bag too thick and unappealing. I exchanged with a thicker material for the lining. I bought the pink handle at Daiso, cloth at Spotlight. I also added a stripe ribbon on top.
There is different owl on each side.
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Off you go, Sylvia, and bring to your lessons!
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