My First International Fabric Swap from Flickr Group

I am feeling happy these days. I love happy mails in my mailbox. This also meant that I bought a lot of things online. I am extremely happy when I received fabrics and scrapbooking materials.

Last month, I chanced upon a Fabric Swap in Flickr Group. Most of the time, such exchange were done only in USA and international swaps were rare to find. I was happy that I found this group - The Fabric Scrap Swap Pool in Flickr. I quickly signed up and waited for the host to send me the profile of my secret partner.

I began to look into my collection and picked these for my partner who have yet to receive my package. ( I can't reveal who she is.)

My fabric scrap
And today, I received my package from Liz all the way from Sweden. They are lovely! I have never seen most of the prints before. Love the colour tones too. I hope I could find time to start my quilting or patchwork soon.

Lovely fabrics
She also gave me a pack of mashmallows to try.

I just hope there will be a third round of fabric swap soon!

Join us if you are interested.
